Archive for the health and wellness Category

Balance and Learning

Homeschool Physical Education and Learning
In previous blog posts, I established how exercise helps in brain growth and development and why exercise is critical for being well mentally and physically. Just how important is movement to learning? Let’s take a look at the vestibular and cerebellar system. The vestibular system is theRead more

Diabetes Can Be Controlled Through Exercise

Diabetes is a disease which affects the person when the pancreas stops to function properly. In the past it was considered as an incurable disease however with the passage of time different drugs were introduced for its prevention. Medical experts consider diabetes as a group of metabolic diseases. Patients usually have a high level of sugar in their blood. Because of high blood sugar levels most patients suffer from a particular phenomenon known as polyuria, that is frequent urination.

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Creating a Healthy Home Environment

I have many different roles in my life. In these different roles I interact with parents, children, and young adults. I teach health and physical education classes at a large state university. I coach my children’s sports teams. I oversee and lead games for the Awana program at my church. I am the director of a summer camp. At home, I am a husband and dad. My roles at home are the most important and biggest responsibilities that I have. I feel it is critical to create an environment in the home that provides our children with the best opportunities to grow to be healthy, happy, independent adults. We are role models to our children. Our behaviors, words, and actions have a deep impact on our children.

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10 Reasons Why Everyone Needs Physical Education

All children need physical education. It is integral to the complete education of every child. The quality physical education program is planned and provides instruction which provides participants with many benefits.

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Top Common Health Challenges Facing Families Today

Being healthy should be one of the top priorities for all families. Unfortunately most people do not realize the importance of being healthy until an issue arises whether it is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Many families do not devote enough time or energy to staying healthy and this often leads to stress, conflict, and illness. Understanding the common health issues facing families and knowing how to avoid them can allow your family to flourish.

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Family Time Fitness
3131F East 29th Street
Bryan, TX 77802